Millett Family

Millett Family


The Millett Family Adventures

Welcome to my blog that will follow my family, the Milletts, on our day-to-day life, trips, and adventures we might come across.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mother's Day

We had a relaxing Mother's Day. Literally we didn't do anything which was nice. I received my Mother's Day present a few days earlier. I have been wanting to get into shape. I went with my friend A to her gym to see how i would like it. I am the type of person where I want someone there to work out with cause it makes the time pass and the whole event is more enjoyable. Mark and I would never be able to go together to his gym because there wouldn't be anyone to watch the kids and plus we can't afford the extra few at the gym for them to watch the kids (we don't want to depened on my parents or his family too much to watch the boys, it's just our thing. Every once in a while, for dinner or something like that, but not too much). So I enjoyed going to the gym with A. We had lost touch after high school and reconnected at the beginning of the year and have been hanging out ever since. We both came back into each other's lives at a time where we need a friend who we could count on. PLus it was great not having to do the "getting to know you" stage or as A called it dating =) So when I went to go get ready for another trial day at the gym with A, I saw this pass sitting on our bed. I asked Mark what it was for and he said Happy Mother's Day! I just love him so. So I have been to the gym several times this month (none in the last week cause mine and A's schedules haven't meshed too well to get into the gym, plus another old friend was in town, and trying to coordinate was a nightmare!). Tonight we are planning on going hopefully with no hiccups!

Bikini body here I come! Thanks babe I love you! You are so supportive!

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