Millett Family

Millett Family


The Millett Family Adventures

Welcome to my blog that will follow my family, the Milletts, on our day-to-day life, trips, and adventures we might come across.

Friday, February 12, 2010

New frontier......

We have entered a new frontier with Hunter. Uncharted territory for both Mark and myself and for of course Hunter. Potty training....... duh-duh duuuuuuhhhhh!

This is definitely a learning experience for us. We are trying a variety of approaches to getting this done. Hunter has his moments where he is not willing to go on the potty but he always loses the fight. We are trying to incorporate a reward system for him going on top of the heaps of praise and love we show him when he gets on there (whether he goes or not) and its not just the love and praise for us, if we mention it to family members they give him the same and he gets excited. We tried doing the "if you go potty just once, we will get you a big boy toy". Well it worked, so Mark upped it to 3 times in 1 day and he would get a BIG prize. Well he did it, amid fights, kicks and punches (thrown by him). He received his BIG prize and he is very proud of himself. It has happened one other time and he got 3 Cars (the movie) cars as a reward. Of course this is getting expensive. My mom decided to reward him in a different way to encourage him to go. Candy, but only if he doesn't cry, scream, yell, fight in anyway, then he gets candy (5 m&m's to be exact). That has worked three times since we started that a few days ago, but it didn't last long because he started the fighting again. Most of the resistance happens when I notice he is about to go #2 and then he freaks out when I approach him. All the times he has gone on the potty we have brought him toys to play with, books, his milk and teddy. Nothing really captures his attention long enough for him to actually go. So I had the brilliant idea to go online to and play episodes for him to watch on my laptop while he goes. It has so far prevented fights and he is distracted and relaxed enough that he is done before he knows it. Then he gets his candy as a reward.

We are still a long way off from no diapers altogether, but we are on the right track. I am definitely looking forward to no more diaper changes. Hopefully Jaxon will be easier to potty train. The consensus in the house if Jaxon will be a cake walk. Crossing fingers!

I'll keep you posted on the progress. If anyone has any tips, I welcome all suggestions.

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