For Memorial day we just relaxed at home. I decorated the boys' door in honor of today. I made us a delicious dinner of barbecued chicken, mashed and au gratin potatoes and corn. The boys also had cheese with their dinners. We all had Kool-aid fruit punch as our drinks. I thought the dinner was a very appropriate Memorial Day dinner. What's the day without some BBQ?
I will also say what I said yesterday in my Facebook status- Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all the service men and women who have given their lives for our country! A speical thank you to my heros- My Dad, Bruce Meyer (Navy seal, Vietnam); My Grandpa Paul J Meyer (Marine Corp, WWII) RIP and My Grandpa Cicero Allen Huddleston (Army, WWII and Korea) RIP- you are both much loved and missed and thought of everyday!
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