These are of tulips. I have actually been working these for about a month off and on. I was able to finish the last 2 up on Mon when mark gave me my break from the boys for some me time. My pictures have come off of Microsoft word. and I just paste them onto a blank page. These were 4 separate pictures that i had chosen and when I had them pasted onto a new page they ended up as placed right next to each other. I thought it made a striking shot. I wish I had a BIG version of the flowers because I would love to frame and put in on my wall when we get our own place again. My next piece I plan to do is of tulips again, but they are 2 separate pictures but I am going to place them next to each other like above. I chose the next ones to put together because they are the same type and close in the colors of the flowers just a slight difference between the 2.
When will I finish them, beats me. After I finish editing and putting stories together this weekend for the St. Patrick's Day lesson, plus all my other Mommy duties, I need to start wokring on next months lesson plans and working on the Easter lesson since Easter is a lot earlier this year than I expected. April 4. That will actually be a 2 part lesson because I will have Mark do one part, the meaning of Easter from the Christian religion view (the way he grew up) and then I will do from how I was raised (Easter bunny, colorful, etc. i.e. non-Christian view). I didn't grow up in a religious household and have no religion myself. I call my self Agnostic, and I am open to learning and finding out if there is a religion that I can believe in as much as I believe in my other convictions. I have taken lessons with the Mormon missionaries, since Mark grew up Mormon, and it was a good way to learn and understand aspects of his family. I have also taken a World Relgions course in college but it was just brief overviews of all the different religions in our world, nothing too deep.
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