So it has been awhile since my last post. I have been busy! I have been continuing with the boys' school. That takes up a lot of my time... well it is actually all the prep work going into each month that is the busy part. Mark and I celebrated our birthdays back in October. Had a family party with his family to celebrate. We didn't do anyhting special becuase we had a bad week that week and weren't in the mood to celebrate (long story still not wanting to share still =( ). Then there was Halloween which was a lot of fun. We went trick-or-treating with our really close friends in their neighborhood.
We have been spending time just as a family a lot lately. For Thanksgiving we spilt it between my family in the AM, then Mark's family in the PM. I spent a lot of time that day talking with my nephews girlfriend, giving her the lowdown on family dynamics and general chitchat. She happens to be the youngest sister of 3 guys I has in high school and band with so we have mutual friends. Unfortunately Mark had to work the day after Thanksgiving and then Sat morning =( which sucked but hey he got paid! It wasn't as if we were doing anything, especially going out shopping. I had to deal with that madhouse when I worked for Target. I will never go shopping that weekend. Plus the things I want to get are never whats on sale, so to me it isn't worht it. A lot of the deals are actual not that good and the best time is about 1-2 weeks after, thats when you get really great deals! A lot of the "winter" clothing goes on clearance so you save more money that way.
I have had a few "showcases" (Pampered Chef, Hush, Tastefully Simple, etc.) that I have attended in the last few weeks to "have bodies" there for my friends who have hosted. Haven't bought anything though. One of my closest friend's younger sister just had her bridal shower last week (thrown together winthin a week too) and I helped out by doing the games. She is getting married in a few days from now and I wish her and her soon-to-be hubby and the happiness in the world. They are a great couple and have known them for awhile now.
We have finally finished our Christmas shopping. I went to the local Dollar Tree on Wednesday and stocked up on stuff for the boys. A lot of puzzles and coloring book and workbooks for school. Pencils and crayons for Hunter and crayons for Jaxon. I also found some books I think they will like. I also got some candy for their, Marks and my stockings. Spent more than I thought, but then again I haven't been since last Christmas and I have been wanting to do a June run to find stuff for summer and prep for their "new school year". Then yesterday we finished up shopping at Traget for the "big" presents. Clothes, toys, few snacks that the boys were out of. Again spent a little more than what we had thought to spend, but Target has something about it that makes you spend more than planned. We still need to get my parents gift, a VISA gift card, so they can have a nice dinner out and a movie, since they are always stressing about money and never treat themselves, then you add in that it is a big thank you from us for letting us stay with them this past 1.5 yrs. Next up is Christmas Eve with Mark's family for Christmas and Mark's dad's 77th birthday (he was born on Christmas Day!). We have a big dinner and spend time together. Christmas Day will be with my family. Big dinner and relaxing. It is nice that we don't have to run around on Christmas especially since the boys just want to play with their toys all day. We might visit our friends too but it just depends how we feel. Then the next day is my high school band reunion at our old directors house. I have yet to go but I am excited to go this year. I will go by myself, Mark will stay with the boys, andI feel he might be a little bored since he wouldn't know anyone and all we will be doing is catching up and reminiscing, but I am going to try to convince my friend A to go with me.
I had 2 of my cousins come over on Friday to hang out and we also took them out to celebrate their birthdays (one is Nov and one is in dec). The boys had so much fun playing with them. I havent laughed so hard in a long time. I will miss the older one when she graduates hs this june and goes back east for college, but I will have the other one here still and hope to watch her perform in her hs marching band more! I have also been hanging out with A alot or as much as our schedules will allow. We had a Harry Potter movie party to celebrate the new one that came out, plus have had some girls nights out. I am also hoping to get my best friends from high school together again for a holiday dinner. I want to make it at least a yearly thing. I just need to see if we can get our schedules to mash up.
The biggest news for us is that I have gone back to school!!!! I am doing an online program through Ashford University (an friend from high school works from them and attends also and told me about it) to get my BA in Psychology and then from there I am going to go to nursing school. I am doing the BA firt because it is all online and since we still only have 1 car it works out better. Once I am done with the BA both the boys should be in school and we will have a second car so then I can go to classes when they are in school. I have just finish my last assignment for my 3rd week so I am free until Jan 4 when I start back for the 4th week of my first class (which last 5wks). There has been some adjusting and juggling but we will make it work. Mark has been so supportivethrough these past few weeks which just makes me love him even more.
Other than that life is moving along.
Time to get in the shower while the boys are asleep!
Bye for now!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Here is my friend's jewelry site. It is called Building Sky Castles
Here is the organic mineral make-up site. It is called Orglamix.
Here is the organic mineral make-up site. It is called Orglamix.
So I am startring to explore Etsy. I have a friend from high school who makes jewelry and sells it on Etsy and she has some beautiful stuff. I found another sight on Etsy through a Twilight fan fiction sight that sells mineral organic makeup. The stuff looks amazing! And this week on Etsy is Giveaway week. One of the giveaways is a 13pc set from Orglamix (makeup). Exciting!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Got2Relax: Raffle
My friend started a new blog. She is a massage therapist. Check out her new blog my followers! Got2Relax: Raffle: "To get things rolling... I'm gonna do a raffle! YAY! The winner will recieve a 60 minute Hot Stone Therapy Massage! You can be en..."
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
It's been awhile.....
So it has been awhile since my last post. Sorry guys, life has either been speeding by, super busy, or there is nothing going on to talk about. Let me see.... since the last time I posted, we have had a few birthdays, new friends, a couple of date nights, girls nights out, family and friend time and sickness for 3 members of our family. The big news as of late is Mark has a new job! He will be getting more money doing the same job. It is commission job but even on his slowest month at his old one he would make more at his new job. So we are very excited for this opportunity. With this new job we are hoping to be able now to pay off some of our things that we haven't been able to because Mark was making way less than what he used to so we had no money to pay towards some of our bills. I am shooting for after Christmas that we could be finally back on our feet and in our own place again. We are definitely getting itchy feet on getting out of my parents house, not that it is bad living here, we just miss having our own space and doing our own thing.
In other big news, Mark and I just celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on Friday! His last day at his old job was Thursday and told his new job that he could start on Monday. So we had most of Friday together (minus a minor stop of his to his new work to finish his paperwork and meet the manager who just got back that week from 3 months off from a stroke). So we ran some errands (grocery shopping), spent some time with the boys, then got ready for our date. My best friend A offered as her "gift" to us to watch the boys. Many thanks to her, she took them to McDonald's, the pet store , then to the movies! They had a blast. Mark and I went to our favorite restaurant Gourmet Italia (as authentic Italian food you can get this side of Italy, the owner and chefs are from Italy!!) in Temecula. We had a delicious dinner! We started out with a Caprese salad (originally, I wanted Burrata (Mozzarella bundle filled with ricotta and strips of more mozzarella, drizzled with salt, pepper, olive oil and balsamic vinegar) but they were out), then moved onto our entrees. Mark had the Manicotti, and I had the Pasta Italiana which is a choice of spaghetti or penne pasta with either a tomato basil cream sauce or a garlic Parmesan cream sauce. I chose the penne with the garlic Parmesan cream sauce. So good!!!! Then for desserts we shared a Chocolate Truffle Mousse. To die for!!!!! We originally asked for Chocolate-dipped Profiteroles filled with Chantilly cream but they were out (of course!). But overall a delicious, romantic, filling meal with my hubby! We then went to my husband's favorite store Best Buy to browse while we waited for A and the boys to be done with their movie. It was nice to get away from the boys for a few hours and have am adult conversation and alone time.
Next up for us is my good friends M and P's baby girl's baptism on Sun, followed by a mini get-together at our best couple's house that afternoon. Then mine and Mark's birthday's are coming up. His on October 21, where he is turning 31, then mine the next day on October 22, where I am turning 27 (eek!!, but I am starting to be ok with it because I still feel like I am in my early 20s not late 20s). We have no idea if or what we are doing for our birthdays. Maybe get some friends together and do a mini party at a restaurant on the 23rd, plus also find some time to go see Mark's dad who wants to celebrate our anniversary and birthdays with a dinner or lunch or something with him.
Then we have Halloween where the boys are going to be Optimus Prime (Hunter) and Bumblebee (Jaxon). A wants to go with us trick-or-treating but we don't know where yet cause we either go with our friends B and E and their kids or go visit Mark's sister in OC and go trick or treating there. Plus we have Trunk-or-Treat at church coming up soon which will be fun!
Hope everyone is doing well. I am off to "inspect" the boys' room to see if they picked up their toys like I asked (I even gave them an extra 15min), if they haven't I told them I would take some toys away. Then it's nap for them and food time for me. Then school and lunch. Hopefully I will make it to the gym tonight to start getting back into it cause I haven't been in 2mon and Mark is telling me he will cancel it soon if I don't go eep! So hopefully I can get in there tonight and the next 2 nights and maybe do the elliptical for 30min. Wish me luck!!!
In other big news, Mark and I just celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on Friday! His last day at his old job was Thursday and told his new job that he could start on Monday. So we had most of Friday together (minus a minor stop of his to his new work to finish his paperwork and meet the manager who just got back that week from 3 months off from a stroke). So we ran some errands (grocery shopping), spent some time with the boys, then got ready for our date. My best friend A offered as her "gift" to us to watch the boys. Many thanks to her, she took them to McDonald's, the pet store , then to the movies! They had a blast. Mark and I went to our favorite restaurant Gourmet Italia (as authentic Italian food you can get this side of Italy, the owner and chefs are from Italy!!) in Temecula. We had a delicious dinner! We started out with a Caprese salad (originally, I wanted Burrata (Mozzarella bundle filled with ricotta and strips of more mozzarella, drizzled with salt, pepper, olive oil and balsamic vinegar) but they were out), then moved onto our entrees. Mark had the Manicotti, and I had the Pasta Italiana which is a choice of spaghetti or penne pasta with either a tomato basil cream sauce or a garlic Parmesan cream sauce. I chose the penne with the garlic Parmesan cream sauce. So good!!!! Then for desserts we shared a Chocolate Truffle Mousse. To die for!!!!! We originally asked for Chocolate-dipped Profiteroles filled with Chantilly cream but they were out (of course!). But overall a delicious, romantic, filling meal with my hubby! We then went to my husband's favorite store Best Buy to browse while we waited for A and the boys to be done with their movie. It was nice to get away from the boys for a few hours and have am adult conversation and alone time.
Next up for us is my good friends M and P's baby girl's baptism on Sun, followed by a mini get-together at our best couple's house that afternoon. Then mine and Mark's birthday's are coming up. His on October 21, where he is turning 31, then mine the next day on October 22, where I am turning 27 (eek!!, but I am starting to be ok with it because I still feel like I am in my early 20s not late 20s). We have no idea if or what we are doing for our birthdays. Maybe get some friends together and do a mini party at a restaurant on the 23rd, plus also find some time to go see Mark's dad who wants to celebrate our anniversary and birthdays with a dinner or lunch or something with him.
Then we have Halloween where the boys are going to be Optimus Prime (Hunter) and Bumblebee (Jaxon). A wants to go with us trick-or-treating but we don't know where yet cause we either go with our friends B and E and their kids or go visit Mark's sister in OC and go trick or treating there. Plus we have Trunk-or-Treat at church coming up soon which will be fun!
Hope everyone is doing well. I am off to "inspect" the boys' room to see if they picked up their toys like I asked (I even gave them an extra 15min), if they haven't I told them I would take some toys away. Then it's nap for them and food time for me. Then school and lunch. Hopefully I will make it to the gym tonight to start getting back into it cause I haven't been in 2mon and Mark is telling me he will cancel it soon if I don't go eep! So hopefully I can get in there tonight and the next 2 nights and maybe do the elliptical for 30min. Wish me luck!!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Almost forgot....
The day after the BBQ at Mark's boss' house, we spent a wonderful day having our pictures taken (formal posed ones to be sent off to family), a nice lunch (at Chilis, one of my fav places), and went and got Dippin' Dots. Luckily I had just had my hair done a few days prior by my wonderful stylist who happens to be my sis-in-law! I didn't have a nice white shirt to wear for the pictures (I tend to choose colors because, I don't like wearing white around the boys and their dirty little fingers =D ) so Mark took me shopping for a new shirt. I found a cute top at Target and it is one of my new favorite things (plus when I wear my earring/necklace combo that I got at the Balloon and Wine Festival, which is not my usual style of simple and "streamlined", I feel very chic wearing it lol). So below are our new updated family pictures. I think we are going to do these around this time of year and still have my brother take the "action" formal pictures at the end of the year. Gives me and Mark both something we like and that our family will enjoy as well.

So I have been a little MIA on blogging. I have just been enjoying spending time with my family.
I believe I last blogged about Jaxon's birthday. Well the following weekend was Memorial Day. We didn't do too much. We hung out at the house, watched movies, played with the boys and went swimming over at one of my high school best friends house whose was only in town for a short time. I made some BBQ chicken and some other fixings for Memorial Day. The following weekend I was able to go to the Temecula Balloon and Wine Festival courtesy of my good friend A (which I am so thankful that she did that, and still continue to thank her for). I have never been and I'm not a wine drinker so I was looking forward to this new experience. I had fun, took lots of pictures, tried some wine (still not a wine drinker), and had some nice girl time. Then on June 12th was my friend M's baby shower. It was her first and she was having a girl. So excited for her. We have been friends since high school, we worked together at Target, and have stayed friends through the years. It was a wonderful "girly" shower with no boys or kids allowed! It was great to visit and have some time away from my boys for a few hours.
The next weekend was Father's Day. That Saturday we made a trip out to Fontana to visit with one of my cousins (her sisters and mom were out of town) and my uncle. The boys had a blast and I enjoyed spending time with my cousin and we have a lovely dinner of pizza and laughter. On Father's Day, we hung out for a little bit at home, went to breakfast, made a trip to Target (for Hunter's reward for doing so well going potty), then we made a trip out to San Bernardino to visit Mark's dad. The following weekend we went to a pre-4th of July BBQ at Mark's boss' house. The boys had a blast, but I was a little out of my element. I felt like it was the first day of school and I didn't know anyone. It was a nice BBQ, but I didn't have as much fun as I thought as I was going to have =(. 4th of July weekend we didn't do anything special. Just hung out at home (sensing a pattern here?). But when it was the boys' bed time I went into the bathroom to get the boys something and I heard fireworks going off and looked out mine and Mark's bedroom window and to my surprise had a nice view of the Temecula fireworks. So Mark and I held the boys so they could watch the fireworks.
Those were the most exciting adventures for the whole family. Me and the boys have had a few "play dates" with my good friend A, where she came to rescue us from the house (no car) and we went to lunch and the playground, got ice cream. A and I also went and saw Eclipse on July 3rd. It was so awesome! I loved it! I have also been going to the gym anywhere from 1-3 nights a week (one week I didn't go at all cause I didn't have my workout partner with me) with A and 2 days with Mark who use a guest pass I had, when A went out of town. Mark and I had a dinner "date at my friends M and P's house. M(she was the one with the baby shower I went to) had her baby girl 2 weeks early. So we went over brought pizza and ice cream and hung out. Helped out with the baby to give M a little break. It was a good night. A and I plan to go and help out M a few times over the summer with the baby.
Mark's job is going well. He has really caught the eyes of some of the upper management in a great way. There has been some "trouble" with other people in some of the other shops so we are hopeful that some might open up to be management position and Mark will get it. But there is no telling when or if this will happen soon. We are definitely getting "itchy" still living with my parents. They are wonderful and have been great with having us here, but Mark and I want to have our own place again. We are just taking it day by day, but it doesn't look like we will be out of here anytime soon, unless a big promotion comes his way. We wouldnt mind some prayers and positive thoughts our way. We know we are trying to stay positive. I have been trying to have Mark get back to being more involved with his church because I know it is important to him. Timing and energy hasn't worked in our favor on going to church (I am not a religious person, but I am willing to go with Mark for support and look out for the boys so he can at least enjoy the service). He had a recent meeting with his bishop who happens to be a family friend and he said it went good and we are going over for dinner on Sunday to the bishops house, which has always been enjoyable (the bishop and his wife have grandchildren who are the boys age and they have so much fun playing with them, plus we are friends with some of their kids, who I happened to have gone to school with).
That is all for now. I will try to update soon, maybe on Monday after our dinner at the bishop's.
I believe I last blogged about Jaxon's birthday. Well the following weekend was Memorial Day. We didn't do too much. We hung out at the house, watched movies, played with the boys and went swimming over at one of my high school best friends house whose was only in town for a short time. I made some BBQ chicken and some other fixings for Memorial Day. The following weekend I was able to go to the Temecula Balloon and Wine Festival courtesy of my good friend A (which I am so thankful that she did that, and still continue to thank her for). I have never been and I'm not a wine drinker so I was looking forward to this new experience. I had fun, took lots of pictures, tried some wine (still not a wine drinker), and had some nice girl time. Then on June 12th was my friend M's baby shower. It was her first and she was having a girl. So excited for her. We have been friends since high school, we worked together at Target, and have stayed friends through the years. It was a wonderful "girly" shower with no boys or kids allowed! It was great to visit and have some time away from my boys for a few hours.
The next weekend was Father's Day. That Saturday we made a trip out to Fontana to visit with one of my cousins (her sisters and mom were out of town) and my uncle. The boys had a blast and I enjoyed spending time with my cousin and we have a lovely dinner of pizza and laughter. On Father's Day, we hung out for a little bit at home, went to breakfast, made a trip to Target (for Hunter's reward for doing so well going potty), then we made a trip out to San Bernardino to visit Mark's dad. The following weekend we went to a pre-4th of July BBQ at Mark's boss' house. The boys had a blast, but I was a little out of my element. I felt like it was the first day of school and I didn't know anyone. It was a nice BBQ, but I didn't have as much fun as I thought as I was going to have =(. 4th of July weekend we didn't do anything special. Just hung out at home (sensing a pattern here?). But when it was the boys' bed time I went into the bathroom to get the boys something and I heard fireworks going off and looked out mine and Mark's bedroom window and to my surprise had a nice view of the Temecula fireworks. So Mark and I held the boys so they could watch the fireworks.
Those were the most exciting adventures for the whole family. Me and the boys have had a few "play dates" with my good friend A, where she came to rescue us from the house (no car) and we went to lunch and the playground, got ice cream. A and I also went and saw Eclipse on July 3rd. It was so awesome! I loved it! I have also been going to the gym anywhere from 1-3 nights a week (one week I didn't go at all cause I didn't have my workout partner with me) with A and 2 days with Mark who use a guest pass I had, when A went out of town. Mark and I had a dinner "date at my friends M and P's house. M(she was the one with the baby shower I went to) had her baby girl 2 weeks early. So we went over brought pizza and ice cream and hung out. Helped out with the baby to give M a little break. It was a good night. A and I plan to go and help out M a few times over the summer with the baby.
Mark's job is going well. He has really caught the eyes of some of the upper management in a great way. There has been some "trouble" with other people in some of the other shops so we are hopeful that some might open up to be management position and Mark will get it. But there is no telling when or if this will happen soon. We are definitely getting "itchy" still living with my parents. They are wonderful and have been great with having us here, but Mark and I want to have our own place again. We are just taking it day by day, but it doesn't look like we will be out of here anytime soon, unless a big promotion comes his way. We wouldnt mind some prayers and positive thoughts our way. We know we are trying to stay positive. I have been trying to have Mark get back to being more involved with his church because I know it is important to him. Timing and energy hasn't worked in our favor on going to church (I am not a religious person, but I am willing to go with Mark for support and look out for the boys so he can at least enjoy the service). He had a recent meeting with his bishop who happens to be a family friend and he said it went good and we are going over for dinner on Sunday to the bishops house, which has always been enjoyable (the bishop and his wife have grandchildren who are the boys age and they have so much fun playing with them, plus we are friends with some of their kids, who I happened to have gone to school with).
That is all for now. I will try to update soon, maybe on Monday after our dinner at the bishop's.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
So a few months ago, I had posted a blog about potty training. It has been an uphill battle with Hunter on potty training. After awhile the rewards and praise were not working and it was a constant battle with him. We had just about given up. About a month ago, my mom and I took the boys to my dad's new business ventures grand opening. On the way back we drove past Murrieta Elementary and told Hunter this could be the school he goes to next year from Kindergarten. He got ecited and wanted to check it out. Well the school was locked down for the day (it being around 530pm). So we looked through the bars and my mom pointed out to him the Kindergarten classrooms and the playground and lunch tables. We showed him all the different parts of the school that we could see. He was sooooo excited. He talked about nothing else the rest of the night and nearly driving me and Mark crazy with asking us constantly when does he get to go to school. This makes us excited (but sad too, especially for me) that he will have a good transition when it comes time for Kindergarten. But of course we told he doesn't get to go for another year and he would also need to go potty like a big boy before he went to school. Well that cause uproar with Hunter cause he didn't want to go potty in the toilet.
So Memorial Day weekend comes around. Mark and I were trying to push Hunter to try to go in the potty. It wasn't going so well. On Monday, Memorial Day, it turned into a big fight with Hunter who kept lashing out at us. We felt defeated. I tried to calm down Hunter (who had spent considerable time yelling, screaming, and crying at us and anyone else who got in his way, including Jaxon and my parents, which is such a big NO-NO! in our house). As I tried to calm down Hunter I told him he couldn't go to school with other kids until he went potty in the toilet. That started him screaming and crying all over again. So I asked him do you want to go to school, he tells me yes, so I ask him what does he need to do to go to school. He tells me he needs a backpack, and a lunch box (of course I started to laugh, cause it was so cute cause he immediately stopped crying, and said all this in a happy, sweet voice) and I interrupted and asked if he needed to do anything else and he tells me to go potty like a big boy. I got all excited and told him good job and that he was right. So he goes running off to Mark telling him he wants to go potty like a big boy. So he teaches Hunter to go pee standing up. Hunter got so excited and when he was done started to ask us if he could go to school now. We tell him very soon he can go. We put his new "diaper" on (training pants) and tell him just let us know next time he wants to go and we will help him. Ever since that day he has gone in the potty (with the exception of when hes asleep, but that has only happened about 5 times in the almost 3 weeks since the "first" time) both #1 and #2.
Last sunday his it almost marked Hunter 2weeks going in the potty we let him wear his big boy underwear, which is Transformers (we had bought them months ago in an attempt to bribe him to go in the potty, didn't work). We told him that he would only wear his training diaper during naps and at night. He was so excited running around showing me, Mark, Jaxon and my parents his new underwear. He enjoys it now and it isn't a headache for me and Mark with all the fighting we used to do with him. He even gets 2 M&M's when he's done and a sticker. I think we have made past the most difficult part. Now to just get him completely through the night with no "mistakes".
Now if only we can have an easy time with Jaxon. He shows interest when Hunter goes, but when we ask if he wants to try he tells us no and runs away. He's definitely not there yet, but since he loves doing everything his big brother does maybe he will want to do it too. Cross your fingers!
So Memorial Day weekend comes around. Mark and I were trying to push Hunter to try to go in the potty. It wasn't going so well. On Monday, Memorial Day, it turned into a big fight with Hunter who kept lashing out at us. We felt defeated. I tried to calm down Hunter (who had spent considerable time yelling, screaming, and crying at us and anyone else who got in his way, including Jaxon and my parents, which is such a big NO-NO! in our house). As I tried to calm down Hunter I told him he couldn't go to school with other kids until he went potty in the toilet. That started him screaming and crying all over again. So I asked him do you want to go to school, he tells me yes, so I ask him what does he need to do to go to school. He tells me he needs a backpack, and a lunch box (of course I started to laugh, cause it was so cute cause he immediately stopped crying, and said all this in a happy, sweet voice) and I interrupted and asked if he needed to do anything else and he tells me to go potty like a big boy. I got all excited and told him good job and that he was right. So he goes running off to Mark telling him he wants to go potty like a big boy. So he teaches Hunter to go pee standing up. Hunter got so excited and when he was done started to ask us if he could go to school now. We tell him very soon he can go. We put his new "diaper" on (training pants) and tell him just let us know next time he wants to go and we will help him. Ever since that day he has gone in the potty (with the exception of when hes asleep, but that has only happened about 5 times in the almost 3 weeks since the "first" time) both #1 and #2.
Last sunday his it almost marked Hunter 2weeks going in the potty we let him wear his big boy underwear, which is Transformers (we had bought them months ago in an attempt to bribe him to go in the potty, didn't work). We told him that he would only wear his training diaper during naps and at night. He was so excited running around showing me, Mark, Jaxon and my parents his new underwear. He enjoys it now and it isn't a headache for me and Mark with all the fighting we used to do with him. He even gets 2 M&M's when he's done and a sticker. I think we have made past the most difficult part. Now to just get him completely through the night with no "mistakes".
Now if only we can have an easy time with Jaxon. He shows interest when Hunter goes, but when we ask if he wants to try he tells us no and runs away. He's definitely not there yet, but since he loves doing everything his big brother does maybe he will want to do it too. Cross your fingers!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Last one for today!

For Memorial day we just relaxed at home. I decorated the boys' door in honor of today. I made us a delicious dinner of barbecued chicken, mashed and au gratin potatoes and corn. The boys also had cheese with their dinners. We all had Kool-aid fruit punch as our drinks. I thought the dinner was a very appropriate Memorial Day dinner. What's the day without some BBQ?
I will also say what I said yesterday in my Facebook status- Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all the service men and women who have given their lives for our country! A speical thank you to my heros- My Dad, Bruce Meyer (Navy seal, Vietnam); My Grandpa Paul J Meyer (Marine Corp, WWII) RIP and My Grandpa Cicero Allen Huddleston (Army, WWII and Korea) RIP- you are both much loved and missed and thought of everyday!
Jaxon's 2nd birthday

Jaxon is not a big sweets boy. HHe loves candy, but not so much cake. So made him brownies instead.

He got shy when we sang him happy birthday

Ate the whole piece of brownie

My baby is 2!

Dived into the presents

Proud of himself for blowing out the candle

So on Jaxon's birthday, May 23, we didn't really do much. We went to CPK for his birthday meal. We hung out at home and watch movies and played with their toys. That night, it was just my parents and the 4 of us. Jaxon blew out his candle and attacked his presents. He got more enjoyment out of the clothes than Hunter did with his. Jaxon also got a few Leap Frog videos that he was really excited about. After everything was unwrapped, brownies eaten, it was off to bed in his new jamas while watching one of his new videos. It was a very simple happy day. I can't believe my baby is 2. He is growing so fast and learning so much. He is doing so well with talking and it seems like everyday he can say something new. He counts to 10 and recognizes the numbers. knows his letters and is just becoming such a little man. I love both my boys so much!
So Mother's Day weekend and the following weekend, we attended my cousin's soccer game. She is this amazing player who as a junior has a full-ride to University of North Carolina-Greensboro (I believe) to play soccer. SHe has also been scouted by the Mexican National Soccer team (they do the Olympics andWorld Cup) (she's half- Mexican, so she qualifies). Her soccer team is the 13th in the nation and has won the national title a few times. She's awesome. They play games all over SoCal and those 2 weekends they happened to be playing in town. So we attended her games. They were awesome. They won all their games. So proud of her.
The weekend following their last soccer games down here, we went to go visit my uncle up in Fontana and spent some time there with my cousins. The boys had so much fun. One of my cousins is following in my footsteps and is becoming a band nerd =) One of these times I will make it to a field show of hers. Can't wait!
The weekend following their last soccer games down here, we went to go visit my uncle up in Fontana and spent some time there with my cousins. The boys had so much fun. One of my cousins is following in my footsteps and is becoming a band nerd =) One of these times I will make it to a field show of hers. Can't wait!
Eagle Scout ceremony
My nephew (by marriage) became an Eagle Scout recently. We drove out to Mission Viejo for his coronation ceremony. It was a very nice time. We had lovely refreshments afterwards. My sis-in-law (different one, not the one's whose house we had the birthday party at) made this amazing cake with a wilderness theme. It was a marble cake and so delicious. Wish I had thought to take a picture of it.
M's birthday
Another day, another birthday. This time it was B's daughter M's 4th birthday. We went to Chuck E Cheese. It was a fun time. The boys love it there. We had cupcakes and the boys just loved the atmosphere. Too bad I had a headache at the end though! I am getting old! LOL
Mother's Day
We had a relaxing Mother's Day. Literally we didn't do anything which was nice. I received my Mother's Day present a few days earlier. I have been wanting to get into shape. I went with my friend A to her gym to see how i would like it. I am the type of person where I want someone there to work out with cause it makes the time pass and the whole event is more enjoyable. Mark and I would never be able to go together to his gym because there wouldn't be anyone to watch the kids and plus we can't afford the extra few at the gym for them to watch the kids (we don't want to depened on my parents or his family too much to watch the boys, it's just our thing. Every once in a while, for dinner or something like that, but not too much). So I enjoyed going to the gym with A. We had lost touch after high school and reconnected at the beginning of the year and have been hanging out ever since. We both came back into each other's lives at a time where we need a friend who we could count on. PLus it was great not having to do the "getting to know you" stage or as A called it dating =) So when I went to go get ready for another trial day at the gym with A, I saw this pass sitting on our bed. I asked Mark what it was for and he said Happy Mother's Day! I just love him so. So I have been to the gym several times this month (none in the last week cause mine and A's schedules haven't meshed too well to get into the gym, plus another old friend was in town, and trying to coordinate was a nightmare!). Tonight we are planning on going hopefully with no hiccups!
Bikini body here I come! Thanks babe I love you! You are so supportive!
Bikini body here I come! Thanks babe I love you! You are so supportive!
B's birthday
So next up was B's birthday on May 4. She is a very good friend of mine and Mark's. She was going to go to Friday's for drinks and appetizers. Mark and I had to flip a coin to see who was going to go, since the other had to stay behind with the boys since it was later in the evening. I won, so I went and spent a few hours haning out and enjoying B's birthday.
Joint birthday

My shirt (same front as the boys)- Arcee

Jaxon's shirt- Bumblebee

Hunter's shirt- Optimus Prime
The boys had a joint birthday party on May 1st at my sis-in-laws house. It was very much a family and close friends affair. Our nearest and dearest were there. It was a Transformer's theme party. The boys love Transformers, especially Hunter. They chose the character they wanted for their shirt. Mark didn't choose a shirt, so he didn't get one =(. It was a great day. The boys had a blast and we had a great time visiting with our family and friends.
Hunter's 4th birthday/A first for the boys

After I found the cake upside down

The night before (so pretty!)

After his teeth were all cleaned

during the teeth cleaning

Eating his cheeseburger

My big 4 year old boy!

After I tried to repair the damage
Sorry the pictures are out of order! So Hunter's birthday was April 23. My little man turned 4! I still can't believe it. Time has certainly flown. So several things happened that day. The boys' had their first dentist appointments. I knew I needed to have the boys go see the dentist and it just so happened that the appointment was for Hunter's birthday. So we went. As soon as we walked in Jaxon started to become stuck to me. I literally couldn't pry him off. He is not a fan of the doctor's office. He didn't sit still enough for x-rays and we had to pin him down to clean his teeth (with me as the main restraint. But the good thing that came of it was Jaxon's teeth looked great and there were no problems. For the week leading up to the appointment I was telling the boys what was going to happen so there was no surprises. Jaxon obviousy didn't pay any attention. Hunter on the other hand understood and was telling me what they were going to do all the way to the dentist. He was soo good. He let them take x-rays, clean his teeth and let the doctor examine him. I was so proud of him. So thats the end of that until October for their next check-up.
Now for Hunter's birthday we let him choose what he wants to eat for the day and basically whatever he wants to do (with of course the exception of the dentist). So he chose blueberry muffins for breakfast, pizza for lunch and a McDonald's cheeseburger meal with blue Powerade and french fries for dinner (his favorite meal). I made him a cake for him to blow out the candles. I finished it the night before and was proud of it. Well the boys got into the kitchen before I noticed they were up (I know so bad!). They had dumped a box of Cheerios all over my parents foyer and first couple of stairs and then had flipped over the cake container trying to get into it. I was so upset! After everything was cleaned up, I attempted to salvage what was left of the cake. It didn't turn out bad, but still didn't look perfect to me. After dinner, Mark's dad and step-mom came over (since they were not going to be in town for the boys' joint party), my parents and my friend A came over for Hunter's cake and for him to open the presents from me and Mark. We didn't get him any toys cause we knew that's what everyone was going to get them at their party. So we got him clothes and some new shoes and a few Leap Frog videos which he was the most excited about. He watched a few of the videos while the adults chatted then put on some of his new jamas and went to bed. Long, fun, exhausting, frustrating day!
Also for Hunter's birthday, I had signed the boys up for the California Pizza Kitchen Kids' Club, where they get a free meal during the month of their birthday. So we went their about a week before Hunter's actual birthday and the boys shared a pizza (they couldn't eat a whole one by themselves, its too big for them), ate their yummy bread, and had a sundae with all the fixings!We went for Jaxon's birthday too, on the day of his birthday this time. I will post all the CPK pics in another post.
Busy Busy Bee
Ok so I know have time to sit down and relax and update what has been going on with our family. We have had birthday party, family gatherings, holidays and hanging out with friends and going to the gym (yes thats right I said the gym!). So without further ado......
Monday, May 3, 2010
So much going on!
Starting 2 Fridays ago (4/23) through at least May 23 is a busy time for us. Lots of things going on. As soon as it all dies down I will post pictures and give some updates of what has gone on!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
New thing I'm trying
So I have been wanting to be in better shape for a while now. Especially since my youngest was born. I am not a fan of working out. I am a very picky eater. When it comes to going to a gym I would like to go the route of personal trainer working with me or possibly having a friend to go to the gym to work out with me. I am not one to go by myself to work out because for some unexplainable reason I feel weird doing that. Plus when it comes to working out I want to see immediate results. I didn't have to worry about working out in high school because I was constantly on the go. Between band, school, football games and various other activities I was always on the move. I took P.E. in school, and I took a dance class in school (where we did over 200 sit ups in every class as part of our warm-up). I also did softball, soccer, dance, gymnastics, and cheer when I was younger. So as you could see I was active.
I have been a picky eater for as long as I can remember. I don't like veggies, with the exception of potatoes and corn. No salads, no green stuff. I like fruit, strawberries being my fav, but I get in moods where I want them but then I don't end up eating them when I buy them. I like chicken, steak, and pasta. But I don't like ground beef (weird I know, since I like steak), pork, fish, etc. I definitely like fried things and I love salty chips and sweets, especially chocolate. I like cheese and milk, but not yogurt or cottage cheese or cream cheese. I guess you can say I like food as if I were a child- fatty, sweet, salty, fried. So diets don't appeal to me in any way shape or form. I can try to eat smaller portions, but I definitely hate the feeling of wanting more even though I am not hungry, so I end up snacking on something not good for me or I end up gorging myself on whatever meal I was just eating. Plus I love soda, but luckily my favorite drink is iced tea (thanks to Jaxon because I was so nauseous with him iced tea was the only thing that helped my tummy).
So I go from being a skinny 120lbs when I graduated high school to gaining the dreaded freshman 15 in my first year of college. Plus add on drinking A LOT (which was a whole new thing for me, especially if you knew me in high school it was so NOT my thing, complete opposite) and I definitely was starting to get into a new level of weight. Then we come to when I moved out of my parents house into mine and Mark's apartment. I had no car, so I would walk to work. I ate a lot of chicken (bake, broiled) when we lived there. We went out to the Stampede a lot and I love dancing so it was a good "workout" for me. I stayed in shape that way, of course not by consciously doing it, it just happened.
Flash forward to when I got pregnant with Hunter. I did really good on not gaining a lot of weight with him. I didn't start showing until 7-8 mon preggo. I went into my last month excited that I wouldn't have trouble getting the extra weight off, but then in the last few weeks I gained 25lbs (total 50lbs). All water weight but still 25lbs. So by the time Hunter was born I was 196lbs. AHHH! Luckily the water weight came off really fast but I was still around 170lbs. Still not good. Tried doing Pilate's with a video I had bought but gave up/didn't have enough time/baby to take care of. Lots of excuses. Next it was Jaxon. I gain the right amount of weight that was acceptable by the Dr (30lbs). Lucky for me I guess that for one month straight I couldn't eat because I was so nauseous and lost 8 lbs so that helped. I was able to breast feed longer with Jaxon (2 1/2 months with Hunter, 6 months with Jaxon). I tried eating Lean cuisines. Got bored of the selections (picky eater remember?) but I was able to lose 20lbs of baby weight.
So we now come to me now. Hunter is almost 4 (April 23), and Jaxon is almost 2 (May 23). I really would like to not look like I am pregnant in pictures anymore. So I am trying to figure out how I can lose the weight . Mark has talked to me about getting a gym membership for me, but I like to go with someone, he would have to stay with the boys when I went, nor do I have any friends who would be able to go at night for an hour or so (I just want to do some cardio at this point). I am not going to change my diet cause I just can't (=( ), but I can try to eat smaller portions and drink less soda and more tea. So then I decided to try running here around the neighborhood where we live. My parents live in a gated community where there are 2 blocks separated by a wash/bridge. I decided to try and just run around the outer ring of the block my parents live on once as I regain some sort of fitness. Then I would move on to run the outer and inner ring without stopping. Then I would run the outer, inner and other block when I can run all that without stopping and without dying =). When am I going to do this when I have 2 boys who keep me busy? Right as I get them down for their nap. As soon as I get them quiet and settled I change and turn on the music on my phone, put the headphones and run. I started this last Thursday. I have ran 4 days so far. I don't want to do weekends, which will give me a break and since our weekend s are so unpredictable. I didn't run yesterday cause it was just a bad day with the boys and I wasn't feeling good so I took a nap instead (dreaded first day of the time of the month=P ). So today I am going to get back to it. I am going to get off now, change the boys into their clothes for the day, put them down for their nap and go run.
Here's hoping I can stick to this and maybe lose some weight I might post weekly weigh ins but don't know yet. But I will say I weighed myself Tuesday night and I was 177.8. So let that be the starting weight. Here we go!
I have been a picky eater for as long as I can remember. I don't like veggies, with the exception of potatoes and corn. No salads, no green stuff. I like fruit, strawberries being my fav, but I get in moods where I want them but then I don't end up eating them when I buy them. I like chicken, steak, and pasta. But I don't like ground beef (weird I know, since I like steak), pork, fish, etc. I definitely like fried things and I love salty chips and sweets, especially chocolate. I like cheese and milk, but not yogurt or cottage cheese or cream cheese. I guess you can say I like food as if I were a child- fatty, sweet, salty, fried. So diets don't appeal to me in any way shape or form. I can try to eat smaller portions, but I definitely hate the feeling of wanting more even though I am not hungry, so I end up snacking on something not good for me or I end up gorging myself on whatever meal I was just eating. Plus I love soda, but luckily my favorite drink is iced tea (thanks to Jaxon because I was so nauseous with him iced tea was the only thing that helped my tummy).
So I go from being a skinny 120lbs when I graduated high school to gaining the dreaded freshman 15 in my first year of college. Plus add on drinking A LOT (which was a whole new thing for me, especially if you knew me in high school it was so NOT my thing, complete opposite) and I definitely was starting to get into a new level of weight. Then we come to when I moved out of my parents house into mine and Mark's apartment. I had no car, so I would walk to work. I ate a lot of chicken (bake, broiled) when we lived there. We went out to the Stampede a lot and I love dancing so it was a good "workout" for me. I stayed in shape that way, of course not by consciously doing it, it just happened.
Flash forward to when I got pregnant with Hunter. I did really good on not gaining a lot of weight with him. I didn't start showing until 7-8 mon preggo. I went into my last month excited that I wouldn't have trouble getting the extra weight off, but then in the last few weeks I gained 25lbs (total 50lbs). All water weight but still 25lbs. So by the time Hunter was born I was 196lbs. AHHH! Luckily the water weight came off really fast but I was still around 170lbs. Still not good. Tried doing Pilate's with a video I had bought but gave up/didn't have enough time/baby to take care of. Lots of excuses. Next it was Jaxon. I gain the right amount of weight that was acceptable by the Dr (30lbs). Lucky for me I guess that for one month straight I couldn't eat because I was so nauseous and lost 8 lbs so that helped. I was able to breast feed longer with Jaxon (2 1/2 months with Hunter, 6 months with Jaxon). I tried eating Lean cuisines. Got bored of the selections (picky eater remember?) but I was able to lose 20lbs of baby weight.
So we now come to me now. Hunter is almost 4 (April 23), and Jaxon is almost 2 (May 23). I really would like to not look like I am pregnant in pictures anymore. So I am trying to figure out how I can lose the weight . Mark has talked to me about getting a gym membership for me, but I like to go with someone, he would have to stay with the boys when I went, nor do I have any friends who would be able to go at night for an hour or so (I just want to do some cardio at this point). I am not going to change my diet cause I just can't (=( ), but I can try to eat smaller portions and drink less soda and more tea. So then I decided to try running here around the neighborhood where we live. My parents live in a gated community where there are 2 blocks separated by a wash/bridge. I decided to try and just run around the outer ring of the block my parents live on once as I regain some sort of fitness. Then I would move on to run the outer and inner ring without stopping. Then I would run the outer, inner and other block when I can run all that without stopping and without dying =). When am I going to do this when I have 2 boys who keep me busy? Right as I get them down for their nap. As soon as I get them quiet and settled I change and turn on the music on my phone, put the headphones and run. I started this last Thursday. I have ran 4 days so far. I don't want to do weekends, which will give me a break and since our weekend s are so unpredictable. I didn't run yesterday cause it was just a bad day with the boys and I wasn't feeling good so I took a nap instead (dreaded first day of the time of the month=P ). So today I am going to get back to it. I am going to get off now, change the boys into their clothes for the day, put them down for their nap and go run.
Here's hoping I can stick to this and maybe lose some weight I might post weekly weigh ins but don't know yet. But I will say I weighed myself Tuesday night and I was 177.8. So let that be the starting weight. Here we go!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Family photos
So John Paul, my brother, took some "formal" family photos of us back in Dec 2009. I talked to him the other day asking when we could have them back. He told me he would get on that right away and I had by the next day. I think they came out really good. He is not a fan of the formal staged pictures. He likes to do natural, action-type shots. It definitely makes it easier on him and on the boys who would not like having to sit still for an extended period of time. Enjoy!

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